Our Story
Amanda had heard about baby sign language years before she had even thought of having children. After the birth of her first son, Luke, she mentioned to her husband, Paul, that she would like to teach Luke sign language. Paul, ever the cynic, rolled his eyes and didn't say any more (thinking to himself "Yup, just another coffee morning").
Amanda was working in London at the time and had to leave home at 05:30 each morning, leaving Paul and Luke to fend for themselves until Paul could take Luke to his child care at 08:30. It very soon became apparent to Paul, that Luke was trying to communicate through sign language and he (Paul) was WAY behind the curve having not bothered to learn with Luke and Amanda - He had ALOT of catching up to do!
It was after she and Paul had enjoyed all the amazing benefits of signing with Luke, that Amanda took to teaching baby sign to share these benefits with others in England.
When Raef came along, Paul took him to all the baby sign classes that Amanda was teaching as they both got such a kick out of them!
When Paul and Amanda moved back to South Africa, in 2016, Amanda knew she had to carry on sharing her knowledge about Baby Sign with families here so that they too could enjoy it's incredible benefits, and so, Baby Babble was born.